Pittsburgh Pirates – Going OVER or UNDER 62.5 In 2021
The 2021 MLB odds are out and the baseball betting world has pegged the Pittsburgh Pirates as an underdog… “Again”. A bar of 62.5 has been set and it looks like it would take a miracle for the team to go OVER 70 Wins. However, all is not lost in Pirate land and there is reason for optimism.
Event with the recent acquisition of journeyman Todd Frazier the Pirates in 2021 will be one of the youngest teams in baseball. Frazier and Jacob Stallings are the only position players on this team over 30 years of age. They will add veteran leadership to a team that will need to learn how to WIN.
As the team begins full squad spring training workouts Jarad Oliva has noticeably increased his power. He has made loud contact and bombed a few balls over the fence during practice sessions. Oliva arrives at spring training as a long-shot candidate to earn time in the outfield, but do not be surprised to see him up with the big club for a majority of 2021.

Perhaps the Pirates brightest star is Ke’Bryan Hayes who is expected to start at 3rd base. Last season Hayes batted .376 with 5 Home Runs and 11 RBI’s in 24 games. While nobody anticipates him batting .376 he just turned 24 in January and the Pirates are expecting him to be a solid Major Leaguer for a long time.
With some veteran leadership and an injection of youth… what do you think? Can the Pirates throw shade on the naysayers and go OVER 62.5 WINS?
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Before getting started you will want to preview “Pittsburgh Pirates 2021 Review – In Search of relevance”.
Upon logging into the StatementGames platform, go ahead and join the 2021 MLB OVER / UNDER WINs Total contest. Once you have done this you will want to complete the following steps:
- Review a list of MLB Team OVER / UNDER WIN Totals
Examples –
Pittsburgh Pirates OVER / UNDER 62.5 WINS
Atlanta Braves OVER / UNDER 91 WINS
Cincinnati Reds OVER / UNDER 79.5 WINS
Chicago Cups OVER / UNDER 81 WINS
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- Rank your picks in order of confidence with #10 being your most confident Pick and #1 being your least confident pick.
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